Friday, February 15, 2013

Reading Responce - 2/14

Angry Management is a hard book to understand. The characters come from other books that the author has written. You don’t have to read those other books, but it seems funny because all the characters are from other books, and if you read all of the other books, you already know all the characters. Although I haven’t read much, I know that the book changes main characters every few chapters, but the main characters are always from the angry management group. It is simple so far, but I wonder what exactly are the kids in the angry management class for? It is not for anger management, the teacher explained already that, that is just a name he uses for all his classes, in honor of his dead student, who couldn’t pronounce anger management correctly, and instead said angry management. The book is simple, and good, but I think it needs to be a bit more hooking, and something interesting has to happen. Then, it will be a good book.

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